Thursday, May 30, 2013

Girls Weekend // Wild and Precious Lives

Two weeks ago, some dear friends from work and I made our way to Estes Park for a girls weekend! It was full of girly movies (I just saw Dirty Dancing for the first time), dancing in the kitchen, some serious game playing, karaoke and so many more fun memories!

I sit here typing this post thinking about how fortunate I am to have friends like I do. I have friends back home in Wisconsin that write me, text me, call me, email me, Facebook me....regardless of our distance they take the time to show me how much I mean to them! And when my husband and I  moved to Colorado, the first few months were lonely in the friend department. I had to make friends again - and now I am abundantly blessed and overwhelmed with the friends I have made. They are some of my biggest cheerleaders and truth tellers. I have learned so much from so many of them.

That's what girls weekend was to me - It was a great reminder that I have incredible people in my life. Girlfriends that I can totally be myself around. Girlfriends that love God and walk faithfully. Girlfriends that go on runs with me in the pouring rain at lunch (Rachel and Rachel). Girlfriends that share life with me. Girlfriends that send me letters ((even though they live 10 minutes away)). Girlfriends that inspire me to do more and to do it better. Girlfriends that don't call out my short comings but challenge me to do better/to be better...

My girlfriends near and far, remind me every day that I have a wild and precious life. That I should live in confidence as I live to bring Glory to God and that I should always be true to my character. And for that I am grateful. Grateful that I am shaped by my community of friends and family!

Below are a few pictures from the weekend!

making our way to the cabin!

front door view

ate dinner - laughed to hard - made a scene - this is the place where friends meet! 
my morning devotional came with a view

a small hike before movie time

she taught how to dance - thank you for that! ((dancing in the kitchen is my fav))

Karaoke fun!
it was her "birthday" -- well not really

we were forced to say goodbye and head back to Denver. thank you for a lovely weekend!

with joy,

Monday, May 6, 2013

f r e e printable // Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild & precious life?

I've been wanting to do a girls weekend for awhile! I kept talking about hosting a weekend away, but never got around to it until a friend from work said, "hey, my family has a place in the mountains should we use it for something?" UH YA! So, one thing led to another, and I'm planning a weekend with girls from work!

And let me digress for a little :: How many of you choose to hang out with girl friends from work? I'm very fortunate to work with girls that I consider myself good friends. They are girls that serve others, desire to grow in the Lord and are always there with gracious words! And I never feel like I'm competing at work -- it's the best! 

With that said, I'm more than excited to pack up and get away for the weekend with seven other great gals. And on Sunday, we will end the weekend with worship and a devotional. I am going to led the devotional time. While I was thinking and praying about a topic, Mary Oliver's quote came to mind :: Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild & precious life?

Because I'm so excited for girls weekend, I wanted to share a FREE 8.5X11 printable with ya'll. Go print it and hang it on a wall.

(I suggest that you print it on heavy card stock paper)

with joy,
Aneta Nina

free printable // mary oliver by givewithjoy2012