Wednesday, July 16, 2014

At the Table

Busy. Everyone is busy. We have appointments here and there. Commitments to do this and that. We say yes when we should say no. And at the end of the day, week, month, year we feel overwhelmed, tired and maybe empty!

This year, I am learning to slow down, to say no, yes to God, and to gather at the table a heck of a lot more.

If we allow it, life can be extremely busy. But it doesn't have to be.

I say yes a lot even when I should say no. I am realizing that when I say YES to every little invitation or request it leaves me little room to prioritize what God wants me to do. I do believe that this season of my life He is wanting me to REST in Him - to rest with His people. We simply can't move and go do the things God asks us to do if we aren't growing deep roots in Him - roots that won't grow weary of doing good.

[Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts... Acts 2:46]

This leads me to the IF:Table. I was introduced to the IF:Table at the IF:Gather (a conference that was unlike anything I've been to). It's an intentional time to set each month, invite some women, break bread together and connect!

Just a week ago, I held another one at my house. I invited some girls, I set the table, we ate dinner together and just connected. We never got to the four questions, but it was great to sit back and connect with these girls - to forget about our to do lists and just build relationships.

We need each other. So many of us just need cheerleaders in our lives. People that flourish us.

Can we do that better? When we meet other women, can we affirm them? Can we love them with a genuine love? Can we cheer them on in life? Because life, life can be hard and conversations, friendship and girl time is healing and life-giving. And this is truth.

small prints for each girl to take with them

with joy,
aneta nina